Hands on Approach

The Hands-On Approach inculcates retention, competence, and critical thinking in each student while reinforcing each student’s potential to thrive academically.
  • GuruKulMATH academic and test prep GURUS follows age old proven hands-on approach to teach our students.
  • Our GURUS help students to identify the best possible techniques to approach systematically and solve even the toughest problems. They encourage students on purpose to struggle a bit before looking at readymade solution.
  • We push students to find the best approach and engage them in value-add conversations about the various paths to solutions instead of just one.
  • Students are encouraged to work through problems methodically – not just to discover the answers but also to strengthen their foundational knowledge and apply their knowhow to problems of increasing complexity and nuance.
  • Our interactive learning environment strengthen our students to uncover their errors and grasp a solid understanding of the material.

Benefits to the Hands-On Approach

The GuruKulMATH’s Hands-On Approach encourages students to:
  • Spot and close gaps in their STEM foundation.
  • Increase their confidence in their problem-solving capabilities.
  • Traverse through problems using structured, logical approaches.
  • Build step wise problem-solving skills.
  • Discover key strategies and methods to find out the correct solutions.
  • Ask any questions because we believe that no question is inferior or superior than other.
GuruKulMATH’s GURUS would work with same passion and undivided attention with each of you whether you are in small group or one-o-one setting. We want all our students to succeed as per designed dream of you, your parents and teachers.