Welcome to GuruKulMATH’s frequently asked questions and answers section.

We hope you find this information insightful and helpful. If you have more questions that you would like to be answered,
please call us: 678-361-2149© or
contact us: info@GuruKulMath.org

How do I register for a preparation course, subject coaching, or private coaching?

To register, select the class you would like to sign up for and complete the online registration form on our website.

What are the available methods of payment? Will I get a copy of the receipt?

Once you’ve completed the online registration form, you may choose one of thefollowing options:

a) Pay online through PayPal (both credit cards and debit cards are accepted)
b) Mail a certified check or money order to: 5380 Harbury Lane, Suwanee, GA, 30024 Upon submission of the registration form and billing information, you will receive a confirmation email that provides you with a payment receipt and more details regarding the GuruKulMATH course you have registered for.

Can I pay for a course in installments?

Yes, GuruKulMATH does offer a flexible installment payment plan.Please call us at: 678-361-2149 for more information.

What is the refund policy?

All payments made to GuruKulMATH are non-refundable but transferable and certainly can be deferred for future use.

Does GuruKulMATH offer a guarantee? What if I want to re-take acourse?

Yes. The standard retake fee for a small group course is half off the full price. Students may exercise the retake option within 90 days after the completion of the course.Students who have completed a private coaching package and seek additional preparation are eligible to sign up for a small group course at the standard retake rate of half off the full price. Please note that students retaking a course will not be provided with a new set of course materials, though replacement materials may be purchased.For further inquiries regarding GuruKulMATH’s guarantee, please call us at 678-361-2149.

How do GuruKulMATH courses differ from others?

At GuruKulMATH, we design our courses to help you build a solid math foundation and provide you with the set of math skills you need to conquer any math class or quantitative section of any state, standardized, or computer test. GuruKulMATH’s instructors are passionate about math and truly want to help you accomplish your goals by guiding and preparing you for success.

Our interactive classroom environment is unlike any other, and our expert instructors work with you using GuruKulMATH’s unique Hands-On Approach. Besides, our teaching methods, including Concept-based Hands-on-Learning, allow you to not only master specific concepts and effective strategies, but also teach you how to apply these concepts and strategies to real math-based problems.

Unlike other test prep companies, GuruKulMATH isn’t here to give you a pile of resources that you’ll need to sift through on your own. Rather, GuruKulMATH courses provide you with effective course materials that our instructors will help you make the most use of. We assure you that GuruKulMATH’s courses will not only help you achieve outstanding results but will also offer you an enriching experience to sharpen your math abilities and allow you to tackle any math-related task with confidence.

How can I get more information?

Please feel free to contact us if you have additional questions or would like more information on GuruKulMATH’s unique approach and our test preparation and coaching services.

Does GuruKulMATH offer courses near me? Where do GuruKulMATH small group courses take place?

GuruKulMATH small group prep courses are held in Suwanee Location till we get out from Corona Epidemic. Upon registering, you will be notified via email of the specific location. Most GuruKulMATH one-on-one sessions would be happening online at Zoom till further notice.

How can I get information on driving directions and parking information?

Upon submission of the course registration form, you will receive a detailed email from a GuruKulMATH team member providing details pertaining to the course in which you have registered. If you would like this information before signing up for a course, please feel free to contact us.

I only see small group and private coaching options. Is there an online course option?

Amidst Corona Epidemic courses are offered online only.

Is there a way I can attend a trial GuruKulMATH course before I register and pay for a course?

Yes!. GuruKulMATH partners with local high schools and universities periodically to offer free seminars and workshops for various admissions test preparation. To see if there are free upcoming events near you, please visit the News & Resources page or contact us.

Do all students take a diagnostic assessment prior to starting a course?

Yes!. However, for those students who have recently taken an official exam and believe that their test score is a good indication of their current abilities, then the diagnostic assessment is optional.

How does GuruKulMATH measure my progress throughout a course?

GuruKulMATH test prep courses regularly use practice tests—including computer-based exams for the GMAT and GRE—to help you identify areas of weakness and needed improvement. Middle and high school students taking a comprehensive SAT or
ACT prep class will take both a pre-test and post-test to assess progress. In addition,for all courses, regular quizzes and/or timed problem stints are conducted over the length of each course in order to ensure comprehension and retention.

What if I fall far behind and need additional help?

If you are currently enrolled in a GuruKulMATH course, you may schedule individual coaching sessions with your expert instructor at a discounted rate. Please note that these sessions can be scheduled at any time during or after the completion of your small group course.

Do I need to prepare before attending the first session?

Preparation would always help. However, if you prefer to refresh yourself on some basic math concepts before your course begins, the optional course materials listed under “Course Options and Materials” will provide you with a general review of basic math before your course begins.

What if I am unable to attend one of the scheduled classes? Do I havemake-up options?

Please carefully note the dates for courses and plan accordingly. If you find that you will be unable to attend a certain session, please contact your instructor ahead of time in order to be eligible for a make-up private coaching session (free of charge). If you miss a session without notice, you have several options:
1) Make up the session with a different small group at no charge, or
2) Schedule an individual coaching session with your instructor at a reduced hourly rate.

Will my private tutor be able to meet at a location convenient to me?

At this moment all the courses are offered online only.

Do all students take a diagnostic assessment prior to starting coaching sessions?

At GuruKulMATH, we find that general diagnostic assessments are not as applicable for one-on-one coaching. Instead, we feel that the best way to measure current abilities for private coaching sessions is through discussions with parents, students, and/or teachers as well as by evaluating past homework assignments and school assessments. In addition, we may ask students to explain specific problems from their past homework assignments and assessments in order to assess comprehension and ability level. Then, the instructor can determine the best starting point for the student.

How does GuruKulMATH measure my progress throughout coaching sessions?

We find that school assignments and grades are the best indication that coaching has been both effective and applicable. To ensure comprehension and retention, quizzes are given periodically for added reinforcement. GuruKulMATH also communicates and follows up with parents regularly to discuss student progress. Above all, since private coaching provides the opportunity for one-on-one student and instructor interaction, the instructor can gauge each student’s math abilities and customize the student’s learning path accordingly.

What course materials does GuruKulMATH provide for small group courses?

GuruKulMATH provides all the course materials you will need to prepare for standardized, state and computer-based exams. To view the materials provided, visit the “Course Structure & Materials & Materials” page for a specific exam. For subject coaching, instructors supplement the classroom syllabus and utilize the students’ classroom textbook, if available. If textbooks are not available, students use GuruKulMATH recommended workbooks.

Do I pay for course materials separately or are they included in the course fee?

All course materials, except for optional resources, are included in the course fee.

When will I receive my course materials?

You will receive your course materials during the first session of the course you have registered for.

What should I bring to the first session?

All course materials will be provided at the first session. You may bring additional writing utensils if you prefer. For classes and exams that allow the use of a calculator, please also bring a calculator to each session.