Preparing vs Tutoring

GuruKulMATH is home to academic GURU, NOT just academic tutors.
  • Academic Tutors help students understand subject-specific content instead of identifying and remediating the conceptual gaps that have made the student to seek a tutor.
  • Academic tutors provide short-term relief in a subject instead of arming their students with the strategies they need to run without falling.
  • If you’re not driven with becoming a self-sufficient learner and just want to make it through Trigonometry or Algebra or Chemistry or Physics, hire an academic tutor.
  • Academic Gurus have mastered the art of learning and are excited about imparting their mastery to their students.
  • We not only enable each student to understand subject-specific content but also identify and remediate gaps in our student’s foundation.
  • While we’re equipping our students to ace the next test, we’re also using that preparation to fill conceptual gaps and strengthen their testing strategies.
  • Our mission is three-fold
    • 1) To create a rock-solid foundation of knowledge and impart STEM fluency
    • 2) To equip each student with a trove of invaluable learning strategies that will enable them to tackle and master new and harder subject areas.
    • 3) To optimize each student’s confidence as a self-sufficient learner.

Our Mantra: Strategy, Complexity-to-Simplicity, Rigor & Dream Big.

  • At GuruKulMATH, we continuously evolve our strategies towards making our students self-sufficient where they would no longer need any additional academic support.
  • We help our students towards building a capability where they could simplify the complex topics of any subject they choose to work on.
  • Would you rather hire a tutor for each subject that challenges you today and into the future or establish a relationship with an academic coach who is dedicated to making sure he or she is the last additional academic support you’ll need?
  • We build rigor into our students; We make them DREAM BIG and get them.
  • Work with us! We create self-sufficient learners!